
Tracking our Progress

Data from September 2020

MDOT MTA and local jurisdictions in the Central Maryland region are working together to meet the five-year and 25-year targets established in the Regional Transit Plan. The Implementation team, which includes advocates, business leaders, representatives from government agencies, and Baltimore Metropolitan Council, will monitor progress toward achieving each of the Plan’s objectives. All measures start with baseline data collected in 2020 and will be updated every year going forward. For more info about OTP and Ridership click here.

How to use Dashboards

Rollover gray sections to see goals (tap on mobile).


Provide Faster, More Reliable Service
Grow Ridership
Increase Access to Jobs & Opportunities
Improve the Customer Experience
Be Equitable
Prepare for the Future
Provide Faster, More Reliable Service
1. On-time performance for MDOT MTA Core Bus
2. Establish on-time performance reporting for all agencies in the region
3. Percent of transit vehicles accurately reporting real-time data
4. Average bus speed on the Frequent Transit Network during peak periods
5. On-time performance for MDOT MTA paratransit service
6. Number of miles of dedicated bus lanes
7. Number of intersections with Transit Signal Priority
Grow Ridership
1. Annual systemwide fixed-route ridership in the region
2. Percent of people commuting by transit in the region
Increase Access to Jobs & Opportunities
1. Percent of region's residents living within 1/4 mile of a bus stop of 1/2 mile of a rail station
2. Percent of the regions jobs within 1/4 mile of a bus stop or 1/2 mile of a rail station
Improve the Customer Experience
1. Implement a common fare platform for all transit providers
2. Increase MDOT MTA customer satisfaction survey rating of 1 - 5
3. Establish customer satisfaction rating for locally operated transit systems (LOTS)
4. Maintain MDOT MTA\'s standing as one of the safest transit systems out of the top 12 U.S. transit agencies
Be Equitable
1. Percent of low-income population that has access to frequent transit
2. Percent of minority communities with access to frequent transit
3. Percent of households with no car that have access to frequent transit
4. Number of bus shelters located in low-income areas
5. Percent of stops and stations that are ADA accessible
Prepare for the Future
1. Percent of fleet that are zero-emissions vehicles
2. Implement a connected autonomous vehicle (CAV) project
3. Percent of assets by value in state of good repair